Health Stats IQ

Increase your IQ with this series exploring the core concepts of health statistics.
All provided with examples taken from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Definition | Confounding in COVID-19 | Confounding by indication | RCTs

Log scales

How do logarithms work? | Why do we need them for all those COVID-19 plots?? | Other examples in science

Direct and Indirect Standardisation

How do we compare mortality rates between populations that have different age structures?? Find out with this intuitive video!

Confidence Intervals

What are they? How are they calculated? EXTRA CONTENT: Frequentist vs. Bayesian intervals!


History of p-values | How to interpret p-values | One-tailed vs Two-tailed | EXAMPLES from research

Relative Risk vs Odds Ratio

Calculation | Why do we need Odds Ratios? | Equivalence between RR and OR | EXAMPLES from research