Statistical Inference

A detailed course for University students into Statistical Inference.
This is really the crux of what statistics is all about: how do we
get from a small sample to a constructive inference about the whole population?


Likelihood | Log-likelihood | Sufficiency | Multiple Parameters

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

MLE | Score equation | Information | Invariance

Hypothesis Testing (Comprehensive)

Hypothesis testing Intuition | Null hypotheses | Test Statistic | p-value | Confidence Intervals | Significant treatment difference | Power and Sample Size

Score test | Wald test | Likelihood Ratio (LR) test

Visualisation and intuition of each test

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian vs Frequentist statistics | Bayes Theory | Bayesian inference for a normal mean | Conjugate priors | Credible Intervals

Other inference methods

Exact Test | Empirical Distribution | Bootstrapping

Non-parametric tests

Sign Test | Wilcoxon Signed Rank test | Mann-Whitney U test